Melt Therapy

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turban Follow-Up: The Real Reason...

OK, here's the real reason why I wear my head-wrap during yoga & meditation...

I feel guilty telling you all -- like I'm bad-mouthing a fellow yoga teacher (man, is her heavy Breath of Fire into the microphone annoying!) -- but it's my truth, my Sat Nam, and if it helps you in your yoga practice, so be it.

Best of all, you don't realize how much noise we take in on a daily basis: it's OK to block out all that din, and just have the luxury of!!!  I'm a big music lover, but think about it: we are so conditioned NOT to listen to ourselves, that we do all sorts of things to avoid and distract ourselves.  And then we wonder why others are not listening to us either...!

On a side note, check out a history of head coverings -- it might not convince you to try it, but at least you understand the roots.



  1. We can't really afford to complain about annoying things in group practice, that is the whole idea about doing yoga with other people is to learn how not to let that effect us. In a long run your personal practice should get so strong that no amount of funny noise or any other unpleasant destruction will effect you in any way. That is really the opportunity to practice neutrality, compassion, tolerance and being impersonal. If you get one person not to annoy you where is the guarantee that some other people would not take that person's place. It is like a complete Eco system. If you get rid of one annoying element another one will take its place. If you keep going within and concentrating on your own breath more and more it will stop annoying you eventually .... though maybe not entirely.

  2. Sat nam Dhanwant, I hear you, especially the "practice neutrality, compassion, tolerance, and being impersonal" bit. I keep going back to that teacher because I know she is teaching me and my own annoyance is just that: mine (for now). Thank you for your feedback!


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