Is this you? |
It isn't that I've not experienced office jobs like that before: I certainly have, working previously at dotcoms, and various other corporate jobs. And it's not like I don't sit in front of my laptop, doing admin work for Melt Therapy -- I totally do. But since opening my business, and working in Thai Yoga Massage, I don't tend to sit for such long, continuous periods of time: my body gets me up, I walk around, practice yoga, and when I massage, I'm constantly moving in an energetic flow. Yes, my body gets tired, but in no way does it get tired the same way constant sitting does to my bones, muscles, and energy level.
Posterior tilt of pelvis while sitting. |
We work until 5:30pm, but towards the end, I am fidgety as all hell. She's eaten some brie and cracks and drank nothing the whole time I've been with her. Or peed. On the other hand, I got up, drank Kombucha, peed several times, took a 20 minute nap, and did some downward dogs!! I couldn't help it! I wasn't trying to be a slacker! My body just wasn't enjoying or used to that much sitting.
I was really grateful for my webmaster's dedication, focus, and attention, and we managed to get a nice chunk of the website done. I really empathized with her style and type of job, having done it for a decade myself. And it was a good reminder of my clients' daily lives, and why they come to see me and get stretched out. All in all, the day made me a better practitioner, empathic to the plight my client's body's go through.
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