Melt Therapy

Friday, October 8, 2010

"I Hate Yoga"

Here's an honest video conversation between my good friend, Gili Wolf, and I about yoga.  I want this blog to be open.  Yoga is not for everyone.  And in a place like LA, where yoga has saturated it like sunshine, it can be hard to express that you don't actually get what yoga's about, or even connect to it.

Thank you Gili for being bravely honest!  Happy Birthday and congratulations on your move to Boulder, CO!  I miss you already.



  1. Thank you Erica! it was fun doing this with you, and maybe I'll try yoga in Boulder and see what happens. Since you've enlightened me a bit, maybe we'll be able to do a sequel called "Yoga's not so bad." I miss you too!

  2. Hi Gili, that's a really funny idea...I look forward to our banter! Let's Skype again soon. :)


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