Melt Therapy

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Mind is Non-Stop When I Meditate!

A Meditation Reminder: my pregnant yoga student asked me this morning, "When I meditate, my mind is not still -- I'm thinking about work, and errands, and all sorts of stuff.  I don't think I'm meditating right if all that stuff's coming up!"

I told her, "You, in fact, are meditating correctly.  LET thoughts come up.  Think of meditation as a safe space, a sandbox, for your mind chatter to release.  You may think of all sorts of things: sad thoughts, violent thoughts, pornographic thoughts, angry thoughts, silly thoughts...let that all come to the surface.  The space you hold for meditation is a safe mental dumping ground.  You may find you have lot more this case, do more meditation.  Why else do you think people have a hard time relaxing or falling asleep -- a lot of times, it's the same thoughts swirling around as the day before!  The more you give yourself the opportunity to meditate, the more headtrash you clear."
Meditating consistently clears headtrash!

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