Melt Therapy

Friday, March 18, 2011

Meditation for Strong Nerves

Just wanted to share with you a meditation that I've been doing.  Practicing this meditation helps calm my mind, and I feel a zing of energy afterwards!  It helps protect you from irrationality.  Best of all, you can practice this meditation anywhere!

Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Women: Hold your left hand at ear level, and connect your thumb tip and tip of ring finger.  Fingers nails don't touch.  Place your right hand in your lap, connecting your thumb tip and tip of the little finger.

Men: Hold your right hand ear level; connect your thumb tip and tip of ring finger. Fingernails don't touch.  Place your left hand in your lap connecting your thumb tip and tip of your little finger.

Eyes: The eyes are 1/10 open, looking straight out.

Breath: Long and deep, but not powerful.

Time: Start with 11 minutes and work up to 31 minutes.  To end the meditation, inhale deeply, open your fingers, raise your hands, and shake them rapidly for several minutes.  Relax.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this .... very helpful. Namaste.


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