Melt Therapy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


WARNING: This is an entirely SILLY post.  About my experience with cats and massage.

Milo the cat gets in on the massage action...
Sometimes, when I make house-calls, I have clients with cats.  It's super cute to be in the middle of working, with my client all passed out, and her kitty shows up, and starts to massage alongside with me.  That is, have you ever seen cats kneading a pillow, getting it ready for them to sleep on?  Yeah, it's like that...their two front paws moving up and down.  It's really sweet to watch and funny as hell.  The best is when they move to my client's stomach and start going there --except then my client usually needs to pee...  LOL!



  1. My cat "massages" me a lot. And its not that fun when i don't have his nails trimmed. I call it being tenderized!

  2. I can't believe how long that cat keeps up its massage! I thought some of your readers would also like this cat-ssage video:

    In the clip one kitten massages another. Too cute!


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