Melt Therapy

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stretching = Healthy

Recently, I started working with two new clients, both of which expressed interest in gaining flexibility in order to feel healthier.  They were stagnant in their life and exercise for fear of hurting themselves due to muscle stiffness.  Their simple request reminded me of how yogis and chiropractors alike talk about how one's age is not measured in chronological years per say, but rather, in the flexibility of your spine.

My chiro explaining my pain in the neck!
As a yoga practitioner who's sustained her fair share of car accidents (4 total), not to mention numerous falls and scrapes throughout my life, I'm always faced with physical limitations in my practice.  My chiropractor's x-ray shows that I have a condition called "military neck" -- the bones of my neck forming a perfectly vertical line, rather than a nice C-curve to help balance the weight of my skull.  The military neck constantly reminds me of its presence, be it through stiffness, or the inability to do a complete neckroll without cracking and twinging.  It's a feeling of awkwardness, and this feeling can sometimes translate into pain.  The yoga practice keeps my body in check, and pain at bay because I am constantly moving myself into different positions, lengthening and contracting muscles and rotating joints.

When our bodies tighten up (many times without us being aware), it sends a direct message to the brain of "It's not OK to do that. We shouldn't go there."  Even though this message may have started out as a valid signal (to save you from accident), over time, this message might turn into a stress reaction that gets repeated in a looping pattern that unconsciously ends up limiting our full potential.  We start to cave in to false message, without even realizing it, and incrementally restrict ourselves from achieve, exploring, and feeling the fullness and pleasure of life.

So it's a welcome pleasure to watch a new yoga student, upon even just doing warm-ups, say to me, "I feel healthier because I'm stretching!"  I see a change in her face, like a lightbulb went off, and an inner radiance shining.  Perhaps it's the blood circulating, perhaps it's the Guru working beside her.  Either way, it's a pleasure as a yoga teacher to be able to elevate someone's life for the better.  Even if you don't do yoga, I highly suggest finding some system of stretching: it is not just something you do here and there and expect results.  Maintaining your flexibility is like compound interest -- it adds up over time!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meet the Doulas Pregnancy Social

I just ran across this on Yelp events and it looks like this is a really nice and relaxed thing for expectant parents in the San Fernando Valley.  Here's the details:


Come talk with local doulas & lactation consultants and meet some other expectant parents!

This FREE event is a great opportunity to find out more about what birth & postpartum doulas and lactation consultants do and how they can help you during your pregnancy, during birth, and after you have your baby. We will have several short talks about these subjects plus a Q&A period and then you will have the opportunity to mingle with the different professionals, get their information, and maybe find the right one for you! You'll also get to make some new friends who are also about to have a baby!

Thursday, June 9th 7:30-9pm

Call us at 818-380-3111 or email to RSVP.

Held at...
A Mother's Haven Boutique & Educational Center
15928 Ventura Blvd, Ste 116, Encino, CA 91436

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Numerology Forecast

My friend Nam Hari isn't doing her numerology forecasts via video but at least you can still read the full May forecast here.

Key points for May 2011:

  • It's not beware, it's be aware.
  • Get your ducks in a row.
  • How is my health, and is there room for improvement?
Memorable quote: "It's not the weight that breaks you, it's how you carry it." -- Lena Horne

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Honest Doula Review

I'm glad my friend Tracy decided to review this doctor.  The more I work with and know doulas, it's shocking sometimes the things that go on in moments of precious vulnerability, and the difficulty of hospital administration vs. patient needs/rights.  There are very good doctors, but then there are really scary doctors in which you place you and your family's health and lives into.

Tracy's info: